World Federation of Societies for Paediatric Urology

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Journal Archives - Volume 9

Posterior Sagittal Approach for the Management of Genitourinary Problems

Marc A. Levitt, MD and Alberto Peña, MD

The frequency of urogenital defects associated with anorectal malformations varies between 25% and 50%. Anorectal malformations present with a wide spectrum of anomalies. The relationship of the distal colon with genito-urinary structures varies with the type of malformation. Most of these can be managed by posterior sagittal approach and some require combined abdominal and posterior sagittal manouvres. In order to achieve optimal correction of associated genito-urinary abnormalities, it is imperative for the surgeon to understand the wide range of anorectal malformations in, both, males and females. Precision in posterior sagittal dissection can be achieved by gaining familiarity with these surgical variations. The first few pages in this chapter familiarize the reader with the nuances of posterior sagittal approach as applied primarily for correction of anorectal malformations. The subsequent information elaborates the extended application of this approach in a spectrum of genito-urinary defects. The authors have underscored the different procedures by 33 vivid illustrations.

Management of Congenital Anomalies of the Vagina

Jayant Radhakrishnan, MB,BS, MS (Surg.), FAAP, FACS, Anthony C Chin, MD, Rashmi Kabre, MD, Andrea Stuart, MD

Congenital anomalies of the vagina are a varied group of lesions which often cause confusion. Based upon their experience with 155 patients authors have placed these anomalies in 4 classes : obstructive lesions, fusion defects, exstrophy complex and absence of vagina. Each class has been further subdivided on the basis of embryogenesis and anatomy of the lesions. Authors describe in detail the diagnostic criteria and therapeutic options for each lesion with illustrated examples.

Surgical Craft : Salpingo - Ileal Vaginoplasty (S.I.V.) - A Surgical Technique for Vaginal Agenesis

Minu Bajpai, MB,BS, MS (Surg.), MCh (Paediatric Surgery), PhD, National Board, Fulbright Scholar

A technique is described for vaginal replacement in a case of complete vaginal agenesis associated with anorectal malformation.

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