World Federation of Societies for Paediatric Urology

A few words about us

World Federation of societies for Paediatric Urology was Conceived in the year 1998 at the First International Congregation of Paediatric Urologists as a super-speciality. The primary objective of the WOFSPU is to develop Paediatric Urology by optimal utilization of individual & collective efforts.

Progress in Paediatric Urology

Past Events

- January, 2021: International conference on Hypospadias. Under the aegis of ISPU-ASPU (XXIII year)

- April 23-25, 2020 (New Delhi): CME on Recent advances in pediatric monitoring systems- Under the aegis of ISPU-ASPU (XXIII year)

- Oct 31- Nov 2, 2019 (New Delhi): National Workshop-cum-Symposium on Paediatric urology- Under the aegis of ISPU-ASPU (XXII year)

- May 13-14, 2019 (New Delhi): PAEDIATRIC UROLOGY: Potpourri of the use of gastrointestinal tissue in reconstructive Paediatric Urology- Under the aegis of ISPU-ASPU (XXII year)

- April 29-30, 2019 (New Delhi): National Workshop-cum-Symposium on Paediatric Urology- Under the aegis of ISPU-ASPU (XXII year)

- May 5-6, 2018 (Silchar, Assam): Dissipation of information on Disorders of Sex Development (DSD) to unravel science behind DSD and sensitizing common people of North-East-Phase-II Under the aegis of ISPU-ASPU (XXI year)

- Dec 23-24, 2017 (New Delhi): PAEDIATRIC UROLOGY: What have we learnt! Under the aegis of ISPU-ASPU (XX year)

- Dec 23-24, 2015 (New Delhi): Advances in Paediatric Urology. Under the aegis of ISPU-ASPU (XVIII year)

- March 28-29, 2014 (New Delhi): 3rd Brain Storming Session on Disorders of Sex development in India. Under the aegis of ISPU-ASPU (XVII year)