World Federation of Societies for Paediatric Urology

ISPU Board


M. Bajpai MS, MCh, PhD, National Board, Fulbright Scholar


Department of Paediatric Surgery

All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS)

Ansari Nagar, New Delhi -110029 (India)

Chairman Standing Committee

Professor P.Upadhyaya, India


Professor T.Dorairajan, Tamilnadu

Vice President

Dr. Govind V.Datar, Maharashtra


Dr. M. Bajpai, India

Joint Secretaries

Dr. V. Sripathi, Tamilnadu

Dr. S. Agarwala, New Delhi

Dr. V. K. Gopi, Kerala

Executive Members

Prof V. R. Ravi Kumar

Dr. VVSS Chandrasekharan

Dr. S. Ramaswamy

Dr. Ketan Parikh

Dr. A. K. Basu

Dr. Raj Shah

Dr. Amrish S. Vaidya

Honorary Executive Members

President, IAPS

Vice President

Secretary, IAPS

Sectional Editor, IAPS


Prof. P. Upadhyaya

Dr. S. Dalal

Prof. D.K.Mitra

Prof. S. K. Chatterjee

Prof. K. C. Sogani

Prof. S. S. Deshmukh

Prof. K. K. Verma

Prof. V. R. Ravi Kumar

Prof. T.P. Joseph