World Federation of Societies for Paediatric Urology
Department of Urology,
Keck School of Medicine,
Children's Hospital of Los Angeles & Harvard medical School,
Children's Hospital Boston, USA
It is truly an honor for me to present this tribute to Stuart B. Bauer a mentor and friend who has had direct influence on my career as he has had on many pediatric urologists worldwide. Over 35 years of academic work has translated into greater than 300 publications, 200 presentation, 70 speaking engagements, and 60 book chapters. In the course of his career, Dr. Bauer has written on all subjects of pediatric urology from hypospadias to renal abnormalities and tumors. However, his greatest contributions have come from his teachings regarding pediatric neurourology, particularly its relationship to neurogenic bladder dysfunction.
Dr. Bauer began with New York roots, graduating from Brooklyn College in 1964 and receiving a degree in medicine from the University of Rochester in 1968. He ventured west for a short period of time acting as a rotating intern at the University of Washington Seattle, and eventually settled in Boston in 1971 initially as a resident in surgery and urology at the New England Medical Center. Dr. Bauer has called Boston home ever since, serving his first academic appointment at Tuffs University and then beginning his tenure at Harvard Medical School and Children’s Hospital Medical Center in 1977. Dr. Bauer is currently Professor of Surgery (Urology) Harvard Medical School and Senior Associate of Surgery at Children’s Hospital. He has directly influenced the careers of over 30 urology fellows, 17 neurology fellows, and 17 trainees in urodynamics from throughout the world, and all of those numbers continue to grow. His teaching has gained world wide exposure through his writings, visiting professorships and invited lectures.
In 1977 Dr. Bauer embarked on his career in neurourology developing the world’s first urodynamic laboratory specifically dedicated to the evaluation and treatment of the pediatric patient. Today his urodynamic lab remains one of the most sophisticated testing centers worldwide incorporating the expertise of neurophysiologists, behavior medical therapists, gastroenterologists, and nurse practitioners all functioning as a team. Through Dr. Bauer’s work, our understanding of pediatric bladder function and the treatment of dysfunction has positively impacted the lives of thousands of children worldwide with neurogenic and obstructive lower urinary tract dysfunction. Dr. Bauer clearly showed that the neonatal and infant bladder could be evaluated by urodynamic assessment with reliable, reproducible results. His investigations have shown that the dysfunctional bladder harbors hostility and if untreated can adversely impact renal function and social continence. Dr. Bauer’s initial work revolutionized the assessment and management of the newborn with spinal dysraphism. He has continually shown the importance of early assessment and the ability to predict adverse outcomes. His work has become the foundation for proactive treatment of the newborn, infant and young child using intermittent catheterization, antimuscarinic medication, and behavioral therapy, all of which have now decreased our need to pursue more aggressive lower urinary tract reconstruction.
Throughout his career, Dr. Bauer has continually made landmark contributions in pediatric neurourology, he identified the varying pattern of neurogenic dysfunction that occurs over a child’s lifespan, the importance of evaluating the ambulatory child with spinal dysraphism, and honing in on the bladder dysfunction that can occur over time due to a tethered spinal cord and occult dysraphism.
In addition, Dr. Bauer is recognized for his urodynamic assessment of obstructive uropathy; he is one of the first to classify the dysfunctional patterns of bladder muscle development that occurs due to urethral obstruction associated with the posterior urethral valve. His characterization of this abnormal voiding response has significantly altered the management of children with obstructive uropathy allowing for individualized treatment based on specific lower urinary tract urodynamic findings.
Dr. Bauer has served in an administrative fashion in almost every national and international pediatric urology organization. His thoroughness and attention to detail is evident by all and reflected in the fact that he was selected as the first formal Secretary of the Urology Section of the American Academy of Pediatrics and then elected as Chairman. He has been a strong contributor to the International Children’s Continence Society participating in the past as a program co-chair and currently serves as the chairman of the ICCS. He has previously participated on their Professional Advisory Council of the Spina Bifida Association and continues to play an active role in as a senior consultant and advisor. He most recently co-directed the urologic program of the First Spina Bifida World Congress held in Orlando, 2009.
With all of his contributions to pediatric urology and neurourology, Dr Bauer’s legacy to pediatric urology will likely be characterized by his remarkable passion for the work that he does, always striving for excellence; and his compassion for the children he cares for. His love for his work is bestowed upon his patients, their families, his fellows, and all trainees. I am fortunate to be within that group. There is no one more deserving for this tribute than Stuart B. Bauer.
A Tribute by: